Lagos, Nigeria


If someone had told me, that my graduation post would be my first and last post of 2016, I would never have believed them. I had a dream and a plan. I was fresh out of school and full of ideas, I just needed one month to sort myself out and then dive into life.

I don't want to make this post too long but I also don't want to make it vague so I'm just going to write like it's been on my heart. 2016 was not an easy year for me. Within the first two months of moving back I started struggling with a lot of things but predominantly the effects of two injuries on my knees. Driving was chore for a long time last year and stairs too. There was a time that I did not even want to look at nor go near any staircase, no matter how small. The pain wasn't even the hard part and believe me it was bad, I had to tape my knees a lot last year just to remain sane. The toll that it took on me mentally? story for another day.. Depression kicked in really quickly and it came with all its family members, anger, fear, frustration etc. I did not want to talk to or even see a lot people, neither did I want to answer questions.

Here is the thing about worry, it affects everything, your peace of mind, your ability to look past the present, your sanity, but then most importantly, it blocks God. It took me a while to realize that something was wrong with my faith, if all I did after reading medical reports was cry. So my prayers changed from routine, to something really personal, it had to. I laid everything out, including my anger and resentment at God. I stopped asking for anything instant, I just wanted my mindset toward the entire thing to change and it did, with time. Gradually I stopped looking at every month that went by as something lost, they started to represent progress, even the first five months that felt like hell. 

I had gradually started entering acceptance mode when God in his usual way, made it clear that I did not have to accept shit. I decided to get a second opinion (I went back to the UK since I had a valid visa and a return ticket) and I can still remember my utter shock the day that I was told that I did not have a quarter of the things that I had been diagnosed with previously. You see the diagnosis had been wrong so therefore the prescribed treatment was wrong too, that is why nothing had worked for months. Things gradually started getting better after that, I came back home after 2 months and finalized my move to Lagos, I wasn't pain free but God had eased my biggest burdens so the rest was just a matter of time. 

I learnt a lot last year, mainly on waiting and on gratefulness. I was grateful for so much. From the things that I had grown so used to having, to things as basic as fuel and food. Friends who made it their business to call you almost daily knowing well enough that you will not be calling them back because it was never give and take with them. Family members who tried so much not show their worry, offering nothing but encouragement. Siblings that were beyond cute with their small notes and calls and a sister who came straight from school to Lagos to "drive me around" in a city that she had never driven in before. And believe me this is a very weak summary of all that they did, so nobody told me to sit down and count my blessings.

I am way better now. I went back to work towards the end of last year and its been a lot of work. I'm  blogging full time now and considering that I am a one man show, my pace has been a lot slower than I would like. I take my pictures and film my videos myself, I also do all my editing myself so I kind of underestimated things at the beginning but it is gradually picking up. I have changed and will be changing my Blog/Insta/youtube/twitter/snapchat username from Thatigbochick to DimmaUmeh, I feel like its time. I explained my reasons a lot more in the video below so please don't forget to check it out. I will be introducing and reintroducing some new categories to the blog too. The good thing is that I spent a lot of time last year learning how to make better use of the the equipments that I had online so I cannot wait to begin sharing some of the things that I have created with you guys. The name change will become effective on the blog in the next few days so I might have to make it private for installation. I will keep you guys posted via Snapchat, Insta and Facebook. After this, posting will resume immediately.

Lastly I just want to thank each and everyone of you for all the loving messages that I received on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, name it. Some of my emails were just prayers straight up and they just made me cry, you guys will never know how much they meant. I will be replying as much of them as I can this weekend so please bear with me. 2016 was generally a hard year for many so I'm just going to end this post by saying to anyone who needs it, keep faith, remember God's promises and keep pushing, a time will come when yow will remember it for everything that it taught you. 

"The Lord, your God, is in your midst, a saving warrior; he will rejoice over you with gladness, and revive you in his love; he will dance with songs of joy for you, as one does on a day of festival." Zephaniah 3:17


  1. Dimma welcome back. Your blog has been my go to blog for all things makeup. I thank God for seeing you through last year, you don't know how many times I've visited your blog anticipating a new post from you. I'm glad your back. Nnooo

    1. I don't know what moved me to just open your blog this morning. I am so proud of you Dinma and so glad you are back..... Let's slay 2017!

  2. It's good to have you back. I thought maybe you had a baby or something like that. Glad you are doing well. Everything happens for a reason and the lesson. You have been missed in the blogosphere. Jisike!

  3. Awwwnnn God be praised! I'm so glad you're so much better! Thank God for recovery and speed!I don't even know what to say right now but we're so glad to have you back! The devil is forever a loser.

  4. I'm so glad you're back! Thank God you're all better now.

    I can't wait to see all the new content you have planned!

  5. I'm so glad you're ok. You were dearly missed. Welcome back nne

  6. Thank God for your life Dimma! It's good to have u back..

  7. Welcome back beauty! We've missed you!

  8. God is indeed faithful.Im glad you are back.

  9. Welcome back dearie, am glad God saw u through all that you want through.I kept checking ur blog everyday for update. Being on the intetnet became kinda boring.u hv no idea how much u wanna hug u right now for being back. xx

    1. Thanks for sharing. Loss for words but to say I love you. ���� Hugs and kisses !

  10. Phew!!So much relieve you wouldn't understand.Thank God you're better now.

    Good to have you back.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Thank God, thank God! I missed you oh. I was worried! Welcome back Dimma! Your friend said you were fine so I relaxed a bit but to have to live on here makes me so happy! Thank God.

    Ps: give us video tips this year please. Lol, on filming in Nigeria!

  13. God is gracious and kind and He is our ever present help in times of trouble.I'm so happy God saw you through and is still seeing you through.I remember falling in love with your style of make-up and even when I didn't have data,I will beg my sisters and they just could not understand the craze.I also remember boasting to them...that I will look for you wherever you are,that you will be the one to do my wedding make-up. Then your account just went quiet.. I kept checking until I was forced to send you a message on Facebook.I'm so glad you saw God Dimma.its so good to have you back.All my love.

  14. Welcome Back, Dimma!!!You were sorely missed. I hope you know how valuable you are to a lot of people. I like the message that runs through the fabric of this post - no matter how bad a situation appears to be, if you hold on to God you will come out on top every single time.

    Wish you a fantastic 2017 laden with God's blessings and goodness.


  15. welcome back Sweet, i have really missed you.

  16. I'm glad that you're back & feeling better! :)

  17. Nne welcome back. We all missed you. So glad you are here to testify to the goodness of the Lord.

  18. Welcome back! I'm glad you're feeling better. You were truly missed. I really look forward to your new content.

  19. Welcome back. I really missed you.

  20. Words cannot explain how much I am so glad to see you are ok. I really worried I remember telling my husband how worried am about you. I am very happy that God brought you out from that challenge, clearly 2016 was a very hectic year for most us. Welcome back dear God bless you. May He make you completely whole. Amen

  21. So glad to have you back. Kept wondering what was wrong till my sis, Uso told me she saw your mum one day and that you are okay and in Lagos. Good to have you back and thanks to God for healing your knee. Hope to see you one of these days.

  22. So glad you're ok...I was really worried. Wow, I'm glad you're ok and in a good place.


  23. Anne Elise Real Hair20 January 2017 at 17:15

    God bless you Dimma and thank you for sharing your story. Welcome back!! Glad to hear you are back up and doing well and may he take you from strength to strength. Love Anne xxx

  24. Awww! Amen! I'm so happy you are doing well. I literally was looking at one of your tutorials the other day for a look I want to replicate and was wondering where you are! Jisike

  25. Welcome back hun! It's Jennifer from BN. Been so worried...but thank God you are feeling better. Keep your head up darling... We're rooting for you!

  26. Yipee, welcome back! I searched for you everywhere...

  27. Welcome back, Dinma... So good to have you back. .. Thank God for your healing...

  28. Welcome back beautiful. .I was worried sick about you. Glad you're okay now 😘😘

  29. I'm so glad you are ok.i knew something was wrong.thank God you went in an came out stronger.i bless God for you.He is a faithful so relieved.bless you dear

  30. I rejoice with you on your healing, this 2017 you shall flourish like never before! Welcome back dear

  31. Good to have u back babes

  32. I'm so glad you are back Dimma. May your return be to a stronger and better you and indeed to the glory of God. I thank God for healing you both physically and psychologically. May this testimony be permanent in your life. I'm usually a silent follower, but I'm just so glad you're back. I genuinely missed you. Hooray to greater heights��������������������

  33. Welcome back dimma,really missed you.The Lord that has being your strength will continue to be your strength.I like the name change.thank God for healing and He will perfect it.

  34. Welcome back dear.... We missed you... Thank God you're okay and up and running... God bless you real good

  35. welcome back Dimma, missed you plenty! I kept wondering and worrying but all that is history now, it's so good to have you back. Perfect healing is yours in Jesus name, and everything you plan to do will manifest in good time... Stay positive dear.... xoxo

  36. Welcome back! You have been missed. I kept hoping that you would come back one day and I'm so glad you did. Well done for persevering under trial. May you be restored double for your trouble!

  37. Hallelujah!!!! Welcome back Dimma. You've been sorely missed

  38. Dimma, welcome welcome back..I'm thankful that God has protected and kept you through 2016. I've been inspired by your look for awhile...and now inspired even more by your transparency and blog. May God continue to open doors !!

  39. Dinma,Indeed God is faithful,i bless him for your healing is permanent.Welcome back

  40. Glad you are good now dear and it's good to have you back. Hope this word helps all who are in hard times. The Lord is surely in our midst and will always be. Stay blessed.

  41. Dimma, I'm forever grateful that you're alright. Thank God for everything He has done for you. I'll continue to put you in prayers. I'm so very happy you're back.

  42. I kept checking ur blog evry week for new posts, I was worried at some point! Sorry to hear what happened, Thank God you are fine now! We missed you! Happy to have you back! God bless!

  43. Welcome back! At different intervals I kept coming back to check whether something was wrong with my feed because I hadn't seen anything from you, and there was no "taking a break" post. 2016 was a tough year for a lot of people but I thank God that you were able to stop routine prayers and really speak to Him from the heart. I'm looking forward to the new content and I know all your fans are ecstatic that you're back. May God fully and completely heal you.

  44. Thank God for giving you a testimony- I'm really happy that in the end, you've got cause to thank God. It's really good to have you back.

  45. Welcome back Dimma. My make up game is about to be vamped because i have learnt a lot from you in the past. You are back and better. I like the new name too. Cheers to a wonderful 2017

  46. Lots of people were so worried! I had so many pictures of your tips saved on my phone and every time I'll just keep wondering where you were and praying. So glad you're so much better! All of God's blessings this new year!

  47. Welcome back Chimma, we're happy to have you back. Thank God for his mercy and healing towards you.

  48. Welcome back Chimma. I'm so happy to have you back. Thank God for healing you. You'll be alright.

  49. Welcome back, Dimma!
    So many times I popped on the blog but saw no updates. At a point, I started to worry.
    All the pain is behind you now. You will live in good health, no pain, and an abundance of happiness.
    Blog at your own pace, please. No pressure.

  50. Agbo blessing anny24 January 2017 at 12:57

    Heeya thank God for u with God everything is made possible. May God grant u divine and instant healing.

  51. Glad you are back and full of life and have a testimony to share of God's faithfulness in your life. I checked your Instagram numerous times, left messages. I just couldn't understand your absence. Today I sat down to do a YouTube video and I saw this recommendation from YouTube to watch you and I just couldn't believe my eyes when I saw your video and so I dropped everything I was doing to find out what happened. Will be praying for you.

  52. Is good to have you back dear, all the best in this new year 2017. May God continue to protect and bless you.

  53. Thank God you're back. Welcome back,we bless God for a healing and may it be divine, Amen.

  54. Tiffany Folawiyo24 January 2017 at 17:26

    Babes for every setback there is a greater come back. I can relate with you on so many aspects and all i can say is God is beautiful in every situation.

  55. Thank you all so much for all the wonderful comments. Thank you!! ❤️❤️

    1. Dimma taken more time to digest your story again. Tks for being candid and sharing.
      My dear you blessed you have a support system. You have friends that are not give and take. You don't have flaky friends.
      Am going through a challenge where only God is God. This long season is revealing to me who my friends and family are. It's very challenging as I pray and ask God. But the packaging comes in illusions. Courage.
      I thank God for your testimony.

  56. Welcome back girl! I'm so glad you are back, Cheers to greater heights this year!

    My Fashion Musings

  57. Yaaaay! Dancing shoki! Welcome back Dimma!! Really did miss you. Praise God you are well. I pray for great things for you this year.

  58. "Nevertheless, she persisted"

    Well done and well back :-)



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