The end of a chapter

A lot of you have been wondering whats up with me. I literally just disappeared abi?
 My last youtube video upload was on the 30th of December 2015, and I in no way intended for it to be my last up on till now.

I have been extremely busy guys.. To just cut it short, I graduated this month, last week Wednesday to be precise (FINALLY!!!) There were a lot things that I had to do before graduation, add this to the fact that I'm moving back home (aka Nigeria) by the end of the month and you get  a special type of madness. There's been a lot of packing and walking up and down and packing again, and then walking up and down again.. sigh, I just can't wait for it to end. I've been trying to cram a lot of experiences into my last month here in the UK and its a bit hilarious in all honesty. It suddenly dawns on you last minute that there a million and one things you've been meaning to do, hundreds of places that you've always wanted to visit, smh.

However in the center of all this is gratefulness, gratefulness that I cannot even begin to describe, especially to God because I would never have made it through this past year without him. It started out with a lot of confusion, I had to get used a lot of things in class and it quickly dawned on me, within the first few weeks of school that my first degree in Nigeria did not prepare me for dozens of things, some of them really basic.

It was a lot of hard work but it all paid off at the end, the hilarious thing is that I would go back and do it all over again if I ever found myself without handwork (tehe). The only advise I would give anyone interested in pursuing an MSc is: "Get a degree in an area of study where you have genuine interest".  Masters requires a lot of hard work, so please don't go looking to get one if you are not even sure what to do with the degree after you get it!

Like I mentioned earlier, I'm moving back home really soon but then I will need a little time to get settled after I get there. Patience is all I need from you guys because I plan to blog sotey una go tire for me this year.

I love you

"May the God of hope, fill you with joy and peace in your faith, so that your hope may increase greatly by the power of the holy spirit." Romans 15:13


  1. Congratulations on your graduation Dimma! Take all the time you need, no rush at all. Good luck with packing and everything else

  2. Awww congrats hun!! U wl go places!

  3. Big congrats! Excited to celebrate in your present and continuous success Igbo Chic. Travel safely.

  4. Congratulations nwanne mmadu

  5. Yayyyyyyyy! Congratulations ! You rock!

  6. Congrats Dinma! And yeah true that, in many areas you do best where you have interest

  7. Congratulations I bless God almighty with you and for the strength He gave you. Take all the time love as for me I will keep showing you live cos I have learnt quite a lot from your tutorials, I can't believe how flawless my makeup looks all thanks to beautiful teachers 😊 Like you.

  8. Mi glad fi yuh!! (Jamaican patois) Congratulations !!

  9. congratulations dinma. wish you the very best in life

  10. Congratulations Hun!! May God continue to be with You!!

  11. Congrats Dinma!

  12. Congratulations dinma. The end of a chapter indeed.

  13. congrats again hun, can't wait to have you back ;-)

  14. Congratulations my darling.. The sky is your starting point baby...

  15. Congrats!!! So proud of you. Please hurry and come back ooo, I shall find you and take personal lessons LOL! I wish you all the best. God bless you.

  16. congrats Dinma, you reap the fruit of the Msc In Jesus name.

  17. Nne I know that feeling of packing and walking up and down. lol. I can totally relate. We thank God for u! Congrats again and I wish u a safe trip back to the motherland.


  18. Congratulations dear, it's a good chapter. Thanks for the tips:)

  19. Congratulations darling,i can't wait to see you...dancing.

  20. congratulations to you love!!

  21. Yayyyy congrats Dimma

  22. Congrats, congrats, congrats!!!!!! God is good!!!!! ��

  23. Congratulations Dinma! I totally agree that you should only do a masters in something that interests you. There's no point wasting money on mastering something you don't enjoy.

  24. Congrats dear.
    Yeah, and it will be great to have you back.

  25. congratulations Dinma, you're such an inspiration. all the best on this journey. I will be patiently waiting here in South Africa till you are all settled and start blogging again, biko hurry up abeg, Lol.

  26. CONGRATS!!! Can't wait to have u back

  27. Congratulations Dinma. God bless you.

  28. This is my goal.. to finish shool and move back Home for good. LOL

  29. Ohh! Yay! Congratulations.

    Hope you'll host a meet and greet when you're in Nigeria.\


  30. Congrats hun. missing you on here.

  31. Congratulations Dimma. Wishing you all the best as you settle down in Naija. Please do YouTube videos too as I missing them a lot.

  32. congrats dear

  33. congrats dimma

  34. Congratulations on your graduation beautiful. May the Lord continue to direct your path, as you start a new journey in your life !

    Lorraine X

  35. I love the fact that you finish your post with a bible verse. Lots of love from us in kenya

  36. I know I'm extremely late but I just want to say congratulations. Well done. Please come back we miss you

  37. Congratulations on graduating! I'm subscribed to you on YouTube & I hope to see new videos from you soon! :)

  38. Congratulations Dimma!

  39. Hi Dimma, congratulations🎉🎉🎉. Pls come back to your blog. We've missed you. I come back almost every other day to find out if you've put up new reviews or makeup tutorials or anything really and end up re-reading all your previous posts. I hope all is well? For some reason I expected you to upload in. February or March. I know dont mind me, I dont do patience well. Anyway, all the best in all your endeavors

  40. Hi Dinma, congratulations. I hope your well. This is probably weird because I never leave a comment but we miss you. I have been waiting since Jan for a new post. I've probably read most of your previous posts and re-read all of the make up posts. Pls come back soon, its April already. I wish you all the very best

  41. Congrats dear... I need help plsss.. i have a dry skin with lots of white heads acne what do i use to cover this up it messes up my makeup.. Any ideas pls?

  42. Awww congrats! wish all the best and safe travels! :)

  43. Congrats on your achievements and i wish you all the best. Healthcare and Fitness Blog you are very beautiful. keep it up

  44. Congratulation and Jubilation! It will be great to have you back!

    Lace Up Flats

  45. I came across this post pretty late, but hey, not too late to say Congratulations! I've gone through your blog and it really does inspire me. I recently just started a Shoe Blog and would like you to take a look at it and give me your feedback. It's You take care Dimma!

  46. Hi Chidinma,
    Hope you are well. I keep checking to see youtube or blog updates from you. I love the way you teach in your videos. Just like you said, we are being patient waiting till you start blogging/teaching again. All the best!

  47. Congratulations are inorder

  48. Awwww! I just wondered to myself "chill, Ive not noticed thatigbochick's activities in the recent past" and I decided to check the blog. Lord knows I was terrified at first when I saw the title of this post. I was already thinking it meant goodbye. Ill be waiting for your next post. lots of love!

  49. Congrats dear namesake! Wishing all the best!

  50. Hard work pay alot. You deserve the best so long you putting in your best. Congratulation for your graduation. My dear sister may you continue to shine for success and achieve more good results...

  51. I hope you are OK. You've been off the radar. I miss the tutorials and your lovely face too. Pls come back

  52. And it is November and no more blogs from you yet..... Wat's going on? We miss u baje. U r like the most down to earth MUA blogger.No offenense to other MUA's out there but truth be told, most r so full of themselves. So we need u BACK!!!! Plssssss



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