I talked about my current situation in a makeup tutorial that I published here late last year but from all the messages and emails I've been receiving, it seems that a lot of people missed that video. 

So here is the deal,
Chidimma is in school and Chidimma is struggling with time.
Time was never there like that before sha but it seems to have completely disappeared. 
Like I mentioned in that video, I went back to school in  September to go get an MSc, who sent me? Amaro mu! In between the zillions of things that I've had to do recently, I have repeatedly asked my self that question but it is all for the best because God in heaven knows that I have learnt a lot and I'm still learning. 

I'm currently in UK and I'm doing a Masters in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. The way that my schedule is structured eh, its like they did some serious umunna meeting for me, because its either I'm in class or I'm supposed to be breathing out all kindsa words that end in thousands. 

I miss blogging, I really do and I miss you guys...

And before I start crying, here is what I've decided to do. I'm on a bit of a break now so I will try to put out at least 3 posts every week. It will require that I make a lot of posts ahead of time so that I can put them out as things start getting busy again but I will try. I'm also open to any post requests that you guys might have so feel free to shoot them at me.

And please pray for a sister, thank you and God bless.

"Faith is the guarantee of the things we hope for, and the certainty of the things we do not see." Hebrews 11:1


  1. all the best dear

  2. Hey dinma, I recently started my masters in the Uk as well, And I ask myself the same question every day (who sent me????!). The hours in the day are never enough. I hope your fans can understand. Acquiring an Msc degree isn't a walk in the park. Goodluck! 😇

  3. Adeola Lizzy Yoosuf28 March 2015 at 11:41

    Also in the uk too studying MA in public health, is not easy at all my dear! Sometimes I cry all day and I feel like giving up and going back home, but I summoned up courage and am moving with God by my side.

  4. Thank you dear, good luck to you too.! x

  5. Thank you.x

  6. All the best with your studies. It'll be worth it very soon :) xxx

  7. Hi Chidimma; hope your studies are going well and that you are finding a bit of time to personally the UK!

    I don't think non-bloggers realise how much time and effort goes into blogging, even if one is just doing it as a hobby! I'm not studying, but working in the legal profession takes up of time and mental energy....I made a goal for 2015 to try to blog at least 3 times a month, but I won't feel guilty if I can't do that.

    ultimately your physical and mental health comes first.....allow the stress for the sake blogging on a regular basis! Blog when you can.

    as for your Msc - God's got your back!

    God Bless

  8. You might not know why but God bless you for your closing bible verse on "Faith".... so timely.
    All the best in your studies, always remember Ps 119 vs 99...

  9. Thank you.x

  10. Thank you so much dear.x

  11. lauretta ifediorah28 March 2015 at 11:41

    Best wishes in your endeavor. Cheers

  12. Jisike oh nwane'm I felt the exact same way when I was getting my MBA but I got through it. That was when I started my blog sef. You will be fine in Jesus name...xoxo

  13. Tomilola Escada28 March 2015 at 11:41

    Chidinma, I totally understand how you feel. Masters is no joke at all and it can really drain you. But don't worry, it will soon be over and you would have learnt so much more than not coming. I wish you all the best.

    Lots of love

  14. Thank you dear

  15. Oh! welcome back. definitely missed your posts. i'm relentlessly always checking on your blog. finally! don't worry, we shall be praying for you and your progress :)

  16. You will be missed but I'm glad you have your priorities in check.
    All the best in your studies

    (Book Giveaway still on!

  17. Kourtney Obikwelu28 March 2015 at 11:41

    Jisie Ike nnem

  18. Chidi:))))) I am awaiting my MSc. thesis defense in foreign lands too... So I know exactly what you are experiencing. It does not stop here, for me now the jury members must be selected and on has to be external... between that and corrections it is a task. But I know you will have success. So you can do all things through Jehovah who strengthens you. Much success to you.

  19. It will soon end and you will have Msc at the end of your name. Could you please make a headwrap video?

  20. Thank you my dear

  21. I totally understand the lack of time, even with distance learning it is still crazy. But you are doing a fantastic job..keep at it, strive and thrive on....

  22. I c pics of diff makeup evryday, buh i saw of post of u on IG n m lyk,"Y not chck ds lady's blog"?..sincerely'm impress, i marveled @ ur write ups, most especially d bible quotations @ d end. God's grace n Blessing ma dear



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