Nars - Taj Mahal Blush

Have you ever tried to hunt a beauty product down? Like you lusted and lusted and lusted for it, had the money to boot but the product refused to make itself available? Well I had that type of situation with Taj mahal. I remember going through a copy of Thisday style about 3 years ago and just on the last page, there was this gorgeous bridal makeup done by the amazing BM pro on an actual bride. I couldn't get past the amazing glow that she had on her cheeks. A quick scan through the Products used list was all it took to start an obsession. I wanted Taj mahal and I wanted it bad.

I remember walking into Selfridges in the UK back in 2012, I had money that day with an extensive list and I was ready to do serious damage. I literally skipped to the Nars stand only to get the worst news in my makeup history, Nars Taj Mahal had been discontinued. I told the sales rep that I met there to repeat herself and then she went on to say again I'm sorry but it has been discontinued, I'm so sorry, a lot of people loved that blush. I wanted to tell her to come again but to avoid looking like a goat I just turned and left the stand with unutterable sadness. Believe me I have asked for Taj Mahal everywhere that I have seen a Nars stand over the last two years  but I always got the same reply. Well fast forward to this day and age.
I walked into Selfridges again last month, this time around I didn't have a plan or anything, I was just looking for what to buy. And then for some reason, I was drawn to the Nars stand. I went straight for the blush display like I always do and there it was! Like I couldn't believe it for like two seconds, two seconds was all it took sha because I grabbed it with immediate alacrity. They apparently decided to bring it back within the past year and I'm nothing but happy, I'm not even going to ask questions.

Taj Mahal is a gorgeous burnt orange blush with gold shimmer in it, it is absolutely gorgeous. Orange blushes look stunning on women of color but this is just special. The pigmentation is perfect and a little goes a long way. If you have not invested in an orange blush, you are really missing out, they look amazing. Nars is a high end makeup brand so their products don't come cheap but this is going to be worth every penny you decide to spend on it. My current favorite orange blushes are Casabella's blush in Sunkist and of kes this one.

Product: Nars blush in Taj Mahal

Purchased from: Selfridges (Selfridges delivers to Nigeria)
Price: £22.50

"People do not light a lamp and cover it with a bowl or put it under the bed. Instead, they put it on the lamp stead, so that people will see the light as they come in." Luke 8:16


  1. but its too bright for my dark skin

  2. Oya quickly use it to create a look, I wanna see it in all it's glory! It looks gorgeous in the pan. But how come they suddenly had it at the store? Have they started producing it again or what?

    1. Yes they started making it again within the period I had last checked.

  3. Such a beautiful Blush. The color is just amazing.

  4. Dinma please i need your expert advice. Am stuck btw buying a coastal scents 22 piece brush set and the elf studio line brushes. Which should i go for?

  5. Sunkist is the only orange blush I have and I LOVE it! Definitely going to try this out.

    Great post, thanks for sharing!

  6. I love Taj Mahal! Looks like I'm lit from within whenever I use it. orange blushes in general are totes amazing for our skin tone. I feel you on hunting a product down I feel that way from time to time. Very frustrating

  7. i love taj mahal like omg blusher of lifeeee



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