Black Up 8hr correcting primer

I think that the questions that I've gotten the most lately in emails, on social media and even on the comment section of this blog is "Dimma what foundation primer do you use?" or "Dimma what foundation primer do you recommend?" I have been answering and answering so today I bring you guys a blog post that answers all. I know that I'm still going to keep getting the same questions but at least now I have a blogpost to refer everyone to. Ret us begin :).
If you guys remember, I reviewed the Becca ever matte primer a while ago on this blog. That primer controlled oil better than anything that I had tried before but if you've watched my foundation tutorial video, you would remember me explaining that the reason I was using two different primers was because parts of my face that were not so oily could not handle the Becca primer. I have oily skin, but I tend to get the most oily on my T zone. If you know me, you would know that I hate combining anything. If for any reason I end up having to mix or combine anything I immediately start looking for an alternative, Shekina.

The Black Up 8hr correcting primer was released by Black Up a few months ago and it is not a new or improved version of the Black Up Perfect mattifying primer which I reviewed on this blog back in 2013, so it should not be confused with it. The perfect mattfiying primer is still sold where ever Black Up is sold because I've heard people refer to the mattifying primer as the old primer and it's not. They are both sold alongside each other.

I bought the 8hr correcting primer about 4 months ago and this is my second bottle. The previous black up primers that I had used in the past were all decent and didn't break me out so if for nothing else, I expected this one to be decent as well. Boy was I wrong. This is the best foundation primer that I've used so far, the word decent should not be used around it. It feels more like a serum than a foundation primer, it doesn't have that silicony feel that most primers do. According to Black Up it was formulated as a skin care product and should treat and conceal oily skins prone to acne (which I have) to offer 8hr long matte finish with no touch ups.
The longest I've gone without visible shine on my T tone after I've applied this primer with an oil free foundation is about two and half hours and that is amazing. Paired with a mattifying foundation like the Makeup forever matte velvet, the Black Up mattfying foundation or even the Estee Lauder double wear I could go up to 4 hours without touch up. It absorbs very nicely into the skin and has a nice soft smell to it. My skin has also been feeling a lot less oily than it normally does so this is definitely a keeper.
The only thing that I do not like about this product is the pump that it comes with, it starts misbehaving once you start running low. It stops dispensing properly after some time and I've had the same problem with the mattifying primers as well. Black Up needs to look into the pumps that they put in their primers but other than that, it is definitely something that I would recommend if you have oily skin.

Product: Black Up 8hr correcting primer
Price & Where to buy: I bought this for £28.50 in the Black Up stand inside Debenhams, Oxford street (I'm saying this because I've had a couple of people in the Uk ask me where they can buy Black up products) but it is sold in every Montigne's place or stand alone Black Up store in Nigeria for about N7,000 something.

"Whoever makes himself great will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be made great." Matthew 23:12


  1. Been on the hunt for a good primer, will definitely look into getting this. Do you know if it's also good on dry skin?

    1. I don't really know but one of my favorite things about it is that it doesn't feel drying.

  2. Dinma, pls wat do you think about marykay foundation for someone with oily skin.

  3. Thanks for this post, been looking out for a good primer as well. Another quick question, what foundation do you recommend for a not so bad oily skin?

  4. Ooh will have a look for that primer.
    Afeeyah xo

    New post ~

  5. Another good review of this brand. I really should try something from them

  6. hey dinma! ive been meaning to ask.... which is better to get.....? the becca ever matte or black up?

    1. Hello dear, i know d question isn't for me but Av used both primers so i may b able 2 help. It depends on how oily ur skin is. Black up does little or nothing 4 me, after 2hrs, i get so oily. Becca primer is d only primer i used & my face stayed matte all day & my foundation stayed d same. But som1 whose skin isn't so oily may find it too drying. However, good tin is Av used it 4 4months now, Av not experienced flaking on my skin & i still hav some left in d container. I still have my black up though. However i use it wen i know i won't b out 4 long or won't stay under d sun.

  7. Nice make up tutorial. GOD BLESS YOU

  8. First time I used it, I felt I had just wasted my money purchasing it..but with continuous use, it's actually real nice. And just as dinma said, it's also therapeutic, I've noticed I no wake up with much le oil on my face than b4. And yes it stays matte for about 2 hours. Good one.



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