Acrylic lipstick holder

I've been looking for something like this for the longest time. For some weird reason, I always seem to have a problem when it comes to storing my lipsticks. I deliberate for ages and at the end of the day I always end up throwing everything into a jar or some sort of little basket. It doesn't sound bad right? oya Imagine yourself running late for this very important meeting and you need your ruby woo. You didn't even do much to your face, there was no time but you know deep down that a red lipstick would  make everything ok, and all you want is to grab it and run but every single time you dip your hand into the jar/basket, you come up with the wrong lipstick and at the end of the day you just pour everything out  *sigh* This is me 90% of the time.

I bought this acrylic holder from the lovely Chi Chi of Blazy fashion. She put up a picture of one on  her Instagram and I emailed  her immediately. I picked it  up from her last week and I've been in love ever since.

There are enough slots to hold 24 lipsticks and it feels quit sturdy! I didn't expect it to feel and look the way it does, I expected something more fragile but trust me guys this baby is quite strong and glossy.

How do you store you lipsticks?


"The Lord guides people in the way they should go and protects those who please him" Psalm 37:23


  1. I need one of these! Please do a post on your favorite lippies


  2. This is cool!! It'll be nice to have something like this. It's so portable.

  3. Does she have acrylic make storage.?

    1. Hello dear,
      I asked her and she said she that doesn't.

