Bio Oil

Yes, the notorious Bio Oil.  I remember when this stuff first made its debut, everyone was  literally talking about it. If you are reading this, I'm sure you know at least one person who uses this stuff. I personally know people who swear by this oil and then I know people who absolutely hate it.

I didn't even have this in mind the day I picked it up, It just happened, lol. I went straight to the aisle were they had beauty products, grabbed my lotion turned to leave and then bam!!!!  there it was.  There was a whole shelf dedicated to this stuff. I think there was a promo going on at the time so I just grabbed the smallest bottle there and left. I decided then and there to give it a try and judge for my self.

This little guy surprised me!
I  bought this solely for my stretch marks ( yes I have those, You tend to get a couple of them when you are stretching vertically or horizontally). I immediately started applying it on them and within two weeks there was visible result. Ehhmm my stretch marks didn't disappear oo but there was visible improvement  in the way they looked. I so did't expect that.
I know this is an oil so I expected it to be greasy but believe you me It was not, It absorbed quite nicely  into the skin. This oil is scented. The smell isn't bad or anything but some people might not like it.

Unfortunately I bought this in march, when we were literally roasting so I  just had to stop using it after sometime. This product is very moisturising like seriously moisturising. It doesn't feel greasy or anything but it still moisturises deeply. I had to stop using  it then because the weather was unbearably hot and I just didn't need that type of "moisturisation", Thank you. The weather is gradually calming down so I've started using it again. This will be perfect during the dry season though, can't wait to try it then.

With this, a little goes a long way. You don't need that much,  a drop might be all you need.

Price - N950                                  
Purchased from - Ebeano Supermarket, Lekki Phase One

Have you tried  Bio Oil?                      


"I alone know the plans I have for you, Plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, Plans to bring about the future you hope for." Jeremiah 29:11


  1. After 3 kids, my tummy is a hot mess! You know, surprisingly, I haven't heard of this oil, but now that I have, i'll definitely give it a try. I hope it works on me ooooo! My belle really needs help....even if it will just smoothen it out a little.

    Thanks for the review jare.

  2. I haven't tried Bio-Oil, but I've tried Re-Gen Oil, which is basically the same thing. They have a lot of the same ingredients (not all). It's moisturising and it did help my stretch marks a bit, but I was (wishfully) expecting it to completely remove my stretch marks. lol So for now, I'm using Palmers stretch mark cream. My bedroom is full of these kind of products.

  3. I have tried bio oil and funny enough it did not werk out for me yo....but i guess diff strokes for diff folks. love you blog bdw

  4. My company (Godrej Nigeria Limited) is the official sole-selling agent for original bio-Oil in Nigeria. I started using Bio-Oil in October when we got the rights, and the stretch-marks on my thighs look soooo much better, and of course the amazing moisturizing power of the product.
    The good thing about the brand is that it doesn't give false/exaggerated hopes, it doesn't promise to do any "extreme miracles", it delivers exactly what it says it'll do on the pack.
    There are loads of "fake" bio-oil in the market, so buying the original with NAFDAC number from the right outlets is important.

  5. I found out that the ones made in south Africa to be distributed in uk, works faster than the one made for Nigerian market with Nafdac no.The price difference is much, around N5,000 at health plus compared to N3,500 that doesn't work at all.

    1. The south Africa ones work much faster than that from UK

    2. how can one tell the difference between the S.A own and the UK ?

  6. Very effective in delivering results. Glad to stumble upon your website.
    enlightening website

  7. Please can I rub bio oil all over my body as my body cream ?

    1. I actually mix bio oil with shea butter and use as cream. Yes, you can apply on your body as cream.

  8. Please can I use bio oil soap with extract cream?



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