Jo Malone Peony & Blush Suede scented candle

If you've been reading this blog for over a year, scratch that, maybe two years, you might probably know that I love scented candles. I posted a review on one mid last year, see here. I collect candles, I actually own a bunch of them , however it takes extra excitement for me to want to share a recent buy, lol.

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably saw my post on the day that I bought this candle, I was super hyped, lol. I've always wanted a Jo Malone candle, always. They are like the Guccis and Pradas of scented candles in my opinion, so they don't come cheap. The plan was to buy at least one, before the end of the year, so I walked into the first store that I saw a few weeks ago.

The entire store was like an assault to my senses, the good type of assault. Everything looked and smelt so good! I felt like I had spent £1,000 or something, especially with the way that they wrapped up everything in front of me, asking me questions, spraying the entire box with perfumes, even the match box looks expensive, lmao. I like it when brands pay special attention to the type of experience that they give customers, its always not just the product.

After smelling several of the candle samples that they had on display, I settled for Peony and Blush Suede. I could immediately smell flowers but I wasn't quite familiar with any of them. The Jo Malone London Peony & Blush Suede candle has a very feminine but not girly scent, it literally makes me smile every time that I smell it. I've been burning it everyday for the past three days now and my living room currently smells like heaven. It burns at moderate speed, so it doesn't burn up  fast. It does not smoke, neither does the wick disappear into the candle wax, you can get that sometimes with cheap scented candles.

Peony is the heart note of the Jo Malone London Peony & Blush Suede candle and blush Suede is the base note. You can easily tell this by smelling the candle. However the only top note that I could identify was red apple, it has a few others like Jasmine, Gilly flower and Rose but I could not identify them as easily as I was able to identify the apple. Like I said earlier, Jo Malone candles do not come cheap, the Peony and Blush Suede candle cost me £42.

Rating: 4.5/5
Price: 3/5

"He will have no fear of evil news, for his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord." Psalm 112:7


  1. I love scented candle. I remember the first time I had them,was from a wedding I attended and they smelt amazing... ever since then,i've been addicted.

  2. They always get me with their packaging. As in, see the matches sef, Kai.

    Just recently started buying candles, this looks so pretty!

  3. I love them too. They give such calming auras to spaces. Got a couple of Lemon Grass and Lavender ones from the Poetry store in the V&A mall, Cape Town back in August. Been looking for how to get some more from there.

    PS: your photos look great.

  4. Mmmm, I love scented candles too. There's something relaxing and calming about them when you're having an off-day. Usually, if I'm really stressed out, I'll light a candle or two or three, grab a cup of tea, listen to some light music and instantly, the world feels better.

    Berry Dakara Blog

  5. I live for scented candles! (NitraaB got me on them), I collect them like dust. I've only tried the Bath & Body Works ones though. There's one from Anthropologie called Goji Tarroco Orange that I've been eyeing for the longest time; will definitely get it for the holidays and THAT'S IT no more candles for me, lol. Heard of Jo Malone for the first time from Beautycrush. I' love to give it a try but I don't think we've got it here in Canada, haven't really checked tbh. The packaging is so luxurious, you got me at the black matches. As usual, awesome post

  6. I'm not one to dwell on scented candles tho I have a stash of them in my wardrobe.

  7. I love love scented candles. So far, I have tried any outside of Village Candle brands. I just mix different candles with different essential oils for a new experience everytime.

    Jo Malone sounds like such a treat but the way my bank account is set up...I cannot come and go and wreck myself.

  8. The packaging had me at hello. Lol

  9. What a candle it is, looks like a candle from royal family and it will be best option for gift.It will be useful to add more details about this product such as its scent, burn time.Thanks

